- it can offer comforting reassurance in an uncontrollable world
- it offers a set of easily recognisable conventions like a language
- it was seen as a strategy used by producers to ensure audience identification and reduce the risk of a film failing
- genre can be seen as a way of working through importance myths and fears
- genre is not static but is constantly changed over time depending on what audience prefer
- We should be understanding how a film text functions in relation to genre, rather than being defined by them
- we should acknowledge that a genres features will depend on the audience own understanding
Movie title - Dracula
Director(s) - Tod Brownin & Karl Freund
Year Relesed/Created- 1931
Books name - Dracula
Auther - Bram Stoker
Year Released - 1897

The reson why our movie is a horror because it will include killing, blood and other horror elements and the reason we picked this genre is because it is a famous genre and there is always one/two movies released every year on horror. Our movie would mostly relate to Childs play because of the killing, violence and the fact no-one suspects the most innocent. our movie will preferably appeal to audience of the age of 15/18 because of these sorts for elements but this age rating and element appeal in most horror movies but be set out in different ways, our one will be set out differently but will include these sort of element.
Movie title - Child's Play
Director(s) - Tom Holland
Year Relesed/Created- 1988

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