Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Preliminary Research

Continuity editing is when movie editor or televisions show editors use this made to make soft and smooth transactions so it doesn’t disorientate the audience so they can watch the show without concreting on editing and there are two categories in it, they are:

Temporal - This is when you connect shots to support and create a narrative .this can include flashbacks or flash forwards show the amount of time that passes and this maybe Linear progression or not.

Spatial - This editing creates unified space through the editing. shots from different angles & framing. Shot / reverse shots. also kuleshove effect this also includes something known as parrelel editing.

The 180 degree rule is a guideline which is used in film production and it is when two characters in the same scene, they must be oppsite to eachother in order for the 180 dregree to work otherwise it will not work. An example you could use a scene from batman the dark knight and see this rule being used and how you dont notice it is being used unsless you are looking for it. If the 180 degree is broken, it disorientate the audience, the audience will get confused who the character is talking to as the eyeline would change between the two character so it would look like asif they are not looking at eachother and it would look asif the character is talking to someone else each time or it be like a clip of frames just flicking from one character to the next. In the Dark Knight, the 180 degree rule was successful when there was a shot of just the joker while he was speaking but the audience can see that the joker was talking to batman becuase of the eye level matched and they looked like they were looking straight at eachother.also the way the camera switched and still made that 180 degree rule was perfect as it stil kept the same eye level all the time.

Movie: The Dark Knight
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release date: 2008

A reverse shot is when we have an over the shoulder shot of a character which shows the other character that is opposite in the conversation. The camera then moves (keeping to the 180 degree rule) to the pan over the shoulder shot of the person who it was just focusing on and it is then moved back again to the original shot (again keeping to the 180 degree rule). The shot reverse shot is often used to show two characters in a conversation and to show there facial expressions.

A match in action shot is when a camera mostly concentrate on the action that the character is carrying out so for example a character is opening a door the camera will concentrate on the character opening the door so the action while it proceeds through out all the camera angles and movements. The image is an example of the a match in action shot in the scene.

Overall I thing continuity editing is important because editing can be really helpful in a movie; this is an important part of the movie. Editing can make the movie really interesting then it already is and can make it seem like something is actually happening and if there isn’t any editing the movie just whole scene mashed together like a montage without transaction or anything. The editing is the most important in the movie it makes the movie much more interesting then it normally is and can get the audience interested into it and make them carry on watching it so this is why editing is so important.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Developed Treatment


The setting of our movie will be the classroom of our school because our movie is based on bully and his victim and the best place bullying mostly occurs in schools so our characters will be school students. The second location to out movie will be on the roads/streets to show the victims life so basically his day to day bases life his way to school and the way to his home; we will shoot a few seconds of footage outside of house which may still count as a setting in some cases. The third setting will be the park which will be the main area of the movie because that’s where the murder of the victims happens and that the dis-equilibrium starting so when everything changes because the bullies kill the victim.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is the main character, usually the "good" guy in the story the story mainly focuses on this character's experiences and the antagonist is usually portrayed as the "bad" guy or the person that goes against the protagonist and tries to ruin his plans. in our movie the protagonist is the vicitim who is overall 'good' guy trying to work hard in school and reach his goals and the antagonist is the bullies who are the 'bad' guys who try destorying his dreams and make his life a misery.

This is an example of a protagonist This is an exampleant antagonist

Three act structure

  • Set up – The set up is just showing the characters normal life so we will be showing the bullies and their victim’s life on a day to day basses so we will be looking at what is just a normal day for the victim from the three bully’s aspect. Then we will also look at life from the victim’s aspect to see how he feels and thinks about it all.

  • Set back – The set back will be the victim of the bullies accidently gets killed by the bullies who comes back to avenge his death as a demon, trying to kill the bullies one by one but gets carried away and takes it too far and become the bad guy.

  • Resolution – One of the bullies kills the demon by with the body of the victims by some sort of holy way that he had learnt they used to do in the past leaving one of the bullies to survive.

Binary Opposition

The binary opposition will bet something that’s gives the audience a good understanding what is happening in the movie and the reason behind it so for example if you look at powerful vs weak in our binary opposition then you’ll get the understanding of the victim who is geeky known to be weak and the popular kids to be powerful, evil and harsh at times so it would come across to the audience as popular powerful kids vs the geeky weak kid and this will then be simplified down to powerful vs weak by the audience then therefore creating the main binary opposition for our movie.

Character Type

Our character types are confusing but at the start the character that will be the victim will be the anti-hero because he is the good person but eventually turns evil so I would class him as an anti–hero in the movie and our villain who will always be classed as villain would be the bullies dues to the amount of evil and frustration they have caused the victim so they will be labelled as the villains and will be brought as villains.

Equilibrium Theory

Equilibrium – This we be start showing the characters normal live and how they live it so basically show what a normally day for each character would be so the audience gets a understands there background.

Disequilibrium – This is when the climax happens and the victim of the bullies gets killed and everything becomes unusual and the victim dead body is possessed by a demon which comes to kill the bullies changing their life.

New state – This when the killer or demon gets killed by the last remaining bully and everything goes back to normal but in a new way and a new order so everything would be different also changing the characters life and personality.

Our Characters

  • Ehsham who is the intimidating bully who overshadows Kallam in size and is physically intimidating.

  • Kashif who follows the other bullies and acts like one of them trying to be big and powerful but is weak but still bullies Kallam.

  • Farhan looks weak and small but is the main bully or gang leader and he may not be intimidating in size but is a fighter.

  • Kallam same hgh as Farhan and not very frightening, much more weak making him an easy target and the victim.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Final Choices

We have decided as a group that the choice we will be making unique decisions because we want the character to be unique epically our protagonist who will be known as the victim and killer of our movie. We will try and added contrasting things so it makes it stand out and will keep the audience involved with the movie for example the weapon that stands out and nothing similar to something a horror movie would usually use for example a knife like most horrors use. Making the setting different will be hard but were trying to get a horror setting, like a place where people would fear to go for example most people would fear to go to a grave yard alone or such so we will be starting in average life and day of the characters at school. Then the location will be outside of the school on the streets where the characters will be more expressed and will be understood by the audience much more. The other main thing would be lighting which would show the characters feeling mood or to show if they are good or bad so for example the antagonist who are our bullies will get dark lighting for the start and then the protagonist who known is our victim and killer will get bright lighting to show good but during the movie when he becomes the killer he will get dark light to show he is bad/evil.

Both characters will be unique and have a different style and stand out so the audience will understand what type of character they are and so they can understand the binary opposition to without struggling but not giving too much away. The way the characters would be unique would be depending on the clothing and the props they will be given throughout the movie. The protagonist known as the victim and the good person at the start will be dressed up with glass, smartly dressed and all prepared to work which will represent him to look like a nerd or geek and stereotype what a geek or nerd actually looks like in peoples mind so the audience will get an understanding of what his meant to by and why. The other characters will be the advisories known as the bullies who will be dressed up in fashionable clothing which is really experience showing no fright once so ever to students or teacher. This would show to the audience and get an understanding of them so they might start to think things like “they are the power in the school and play by their own rules in what they do”. These too type of character types wills show the binary opposition which in some cases will be good vs bad but if you look more detailed into the movie it will be something like powerful vs weak. These things would come a across as the binary opposition to the audience and will give them understanding what is happening in the movie and the reason behind it so for example if you look at powerful vs weak in our binary opposition then you’ll get the understanding of the victim who is geeky known to be weak which is another stereotype and the popular kids to be powerful, evil and harsh at times so it would come across to the audience as popular powerful kids vs the geeky weak kid and this will then be simplified down to powerful vs weak.


Name: Scream
Director: Wes Craven
Realse date: 1996

Props Example

Location examples

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Narrative Theories Research

 Narrative is when it tells you what time the story is from and what it is based around or in other words describes the sequence of a non-fictional or functional events for example if the story say "Once upon a time" this means that it happened and was based in the past which meaning it does not happen in the present time and it also makes the audience thinks this is a fictional story this would normally be used in animation movies such as Shrek.

Narrative is important in movie production because it explain the structure and meaning of the story to the audience so for example again if a movie like Shrek, it says "Once upon time" it shows the structure of the movie will be good and will contain action but good will always win over evil because it would be told as fairytale. This why narrative is important because it explain the meaning and structure of the story to the audience, the director would want you to understand.

Equilibrium and dis-equilibrium theory will be use the start of our movie before thosae are the main things that normally happening opneing in the movie. If our movie was not just the opening all three theory would be used but the dis-equillbrium is the main one in the opening and it would be the main one if we did a whole movie. The reasoin I say that dis-equilibrium will be the main used in the opening is becuase in horror movies the equilibrium does not last long take in for example parnormal activity, that equilibrium only last a few minutes into a movie and then goes to the dis-equilibrium. we are doing a horror so the dis-equilibrium will be the common one in the movie.

The three narrative theories are equilibrium, dis-equilibrium and new sate of equilibrium and all of these all have different and opposite meaning so the meaning for equilibrium is when everything is normal and is something that usually happens in the movie or story. Dis-equilibrium is when everything changes because of an event that has happened so everything is different and unusual and then the last one is new sate of equilibrium which is wanna everytrhing strarts new and everything is normal and nothing usual is happening so for an example of these three for Shrek would be:

Fimolgrpahy for movies metioned

Movie: Shrek
Year: 2001
Directors: Andrew Dmson ,Vicky Jenson and kashif

Movie: Parnormal Activity
Year: 2011
Directors: Henry joost & Arien schufman

Questionnaire - Primary Research

1. What kind of killer are you scared of in a horror movie? 
Masked silent killer | Paranormal activity | Female killer | Serial killer

2. What setting is scariest?
Abandoned school | Graveyard | Haunted house | Forest

3. What sub genres do you like combined with genre?
 Slasher | Psychological | Paranormal | Thriller

4. Which serial killer do you prefer?
Paranormal- ghosts/demon | Freddy Krueger – Nightmare on elm street | Jason Voorhees-Friday 13th

5.Does blood make a horror film more scarier
Yes | No

6. What age group are you?

13-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50

7. What do you believe is the best thing about horror films?
 Storyline | Blood/gore | Atmosphere | Suspense

8. What gender are you?
 Male | Female

9. What do you expect to happen in the horror genre?

Villain kills everybody | The hero dies and so does the villain | Hero survives and villain dies | The villain becomes good
10. Do you like horror films?
Yes | No | Don’t really care | Half and half

Questionnaire Results - Primary Research

What kindof killer are your scared of in a horror movie?

What setting is the scariest?

What sub-genre so you like combined with genre?

What serial killer do you prefer? 

Does blood make a horror movie scary? 

What age group are you? 

What do you believe is the best thing about horror movie?

What gender are you?

What do youe expect happening in a horror movie?

Do you like horror movies?

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Final cut introduction

We recorded a a blue screen shot, which we rolled play in of seeing the white house being blown up. This was then recorded and we were then going to put it into final cut to edit it and add in the blue screen shot but we experienced difficulty with the footage. The problem was that the file we were trying import is not supported by Final cut so this took 15 minutes or more to sort this problem out. We will be now converting the final type to a compatible format of final cut, this preferably will be FCE as i have seen on the forms because other people are having a similar problems.

Link to form - http://forums.macworld.com/index.php?/topic/99712-final-cut-express-wont-open-an-mpeg-file/

This Problem will hopefully be sorted soon so we can be back to work so we can get back to editing so we can learn how to use software correctly and properly in future works, this problem will hopefully not occur again because we know what format the file must be now.