
The setting of our movie will be the classroom of our school because our movie is based on bully and his victim and the best place bullying mostly occurs in schools so our characters will be school students. The second location to out movie will be on the roads/streets to show the victims life so basically his day to day bases life his way to school and the way to his home; we will shoot a few seconds of footage outside of house which may still count as a setting in some cases. The third setting will be the park which will be the main area of the movie because that’s where the murder of the victims happens and that the dis-equilibrium starting so when everything changes because the bullies kill the victim.
Protagonist and Antagonist
The protagonist is the main character, usually the "good" guy in the story the story mainly focuses on this character's experiences and the antagonist is usually portrayed as the "bad" guy or the person that goes against the protagonist and tries to ruin his plans. in our movie the protagonist is the vicitim who is overall 'good' guy trying to work hard in school and reach his goals and the antagonist is the bullies who are the 'bad' guys who try destorying his dreams and make his life a misery.
This is an example of a protagonist This is an exampleant antagonist
Three act structure
- Set up – The set up is just showing the characters normal life so we will be showing the bullies and their victim’s life on a day to day basses so we will be looking at what is just a normal day for the victim from the three bully’s aspect. Then we will also look at life from the victim’s aspect to see how he feels and thinks about it all.
- Set back – The set back will be the victim of the bullies accidently gets killed by the bullies who comes back to avenge his death as a demon, trying to kill the bullies one by one but gets carried away and takes it too far and become the bad guy.
- Resolution – One of the bullies kills the demon by with the body of the victims by some sort of holy way that he had learnt they used to do in the past leaving one of the bullies to survive.
Binary Opposition
The binary opposition will bet something that’s gives the audience a good understanding what is happening in the movie and the reason behind it so for example if you look at powerful vs weak in our binary opposition then you’ll get the understanding of the victim who is geeky known to be weak and the popular kids to be powerful, evil and harsh at times so it would come across to the audience as popular powerful kids vs the geeky weak kid and this will then be simplified down to powerful vs weak by the audience then therefore creating the main binary opposition for our movie.
Character Type
Our character types are confusing but at the start the character that will be the victim will be the anti-hero because he is the good person but eventually turns evil so I would class him as an anti–hero in the movie and our villain who will always be classed as villain would be the bullies dues to the amount of evil and frustration they have caused the victim so they will be labelled as the villains and will be brought as villains.
Equilibrium Theory
Equilibrium – This we be start showing the characters normal live and how they live it so basically show what a normally day for each character would be so the audience gets a understands there background.
Disequilibrium – This is when the climax happens and the victim of the bullies gets killed and everything becomes unusual and the victim dead body is possessed by a demon which comes to kill the bullies changing their life.
New state – This when the killer or demon gets killed by the last remaining bully and everything goes back to normal but in a new way and a new order so everything would be different also changing the characters life and personality.
Our Characters