Continuity editing is when movie editor or televisions show editors use this made to make soft and smooth transactions so it doesn’t disorientate the audience so they can watch the show without concreting on editing and there are two categories in it, they are:
Temporal - This is when you connect shots to support and create a narrative .this can include flashbacks or flash forwards show the amount of time that passes and this maybe Linear progression or not.
Spatial - This editing creates unified space through the editing. shots from different angles & framing. Shot / reverse shots. also kuleshove effect this also includes something known as parrelel editing.
The 180 degree rule is a guideline which is used in film production and it is when two characters in the same scene, they must be oppsite to eachother in order for the 180 dregree to work otherwise it will not work. An example you could use a scene from batman the dark knight and see this rule being used and how you dont notice it is being used unsless you are looking for it. If the 180 degree is broken, it disorientate the audience, the audience will get confused who the character is talking to as the eyeline would change between the two character so it would look like asif they are not looking at eachother and it would look asif the character is talking to someone else each time or it be like a clip of frames just flicking from one character to the next. In the Dark Knight, the 180 degree rule was successful when there was a shot of just the joker while he was speaking but the audience can see that the joker was talking to batman becuase of the eye level matched and they looked like they were looking straight at eachother.also the way the camera switched and still made that 180 degree rule was perfect as it stil kept the same eye level all the time.
Filmography Movie: The Dark Knight
Director: Christopher Nolan
Release date: 2008
A reverse shot is when we have an over the shoulder shot of a character which shows the other character that is opposite in the conversation. The camera then moves (keeping to the 180 degree rule) to the pan over the shoulder shot of the person who it was just focusing on and it is then moved back again to the original shot (again keeping to the 180 degree rule). The shot reverse shot is often used to show two characters in a conversation and to show there facial expressions.
A match in action shot is when a camera mostly concentrate on the action that the character is carrying out so for example a character is opening a door the camera will concentrate on the character opening the door so the action while it proceeds through out all the camera angles and movements. The image is an example of the a match in action shot in the scene.
Overall I thing continuity editing is important because editing can be really helpful in a movie; this is an important part of the movie. Editing can make the movie really interesting then it already is and can make it seem like something is actually happening and if there isn’t any editing the movie just whole scene mashed together like a montage without transaction or anything. The editing is the most important in the movie it makes the movie much more interesting then it normally is and can get the audience interested into it and make them carry on watching it so this is why editing is so important.
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