Narrative is important in movie production because it explain the structure and meaning of the story to the audience so for example again if a movie like Shrek, it says "Once upon time" it shows the structure of the movie will be good and will contain action but good will always win over evil because it would be told as fairytale. This why narrative is important because it explain the meaning and structure of the story to the audience, the director would want you to understand.
Equilibrium and dis-equilibrium theory will be use the start of our movie before thosae are the main things that normally happening opneing in the movie. If our movie was not just the opening all three theory would be used but the dis-equillbrium is the main one in the opening and it would be the main one if we did a whole movie. The reasoin I say that dis-equilibrium will be the main used in the opening is becuase in horror movies the equilibrium does not last long take in for example parnormal activity, that equilibrium only last a few minutes into a movie and then goes to the dis-equilibrium. we are doing a horror so the dis-equilibrium will be the common one in the movie.
The three narrative theories are equilibrium, dis-equilibrium and new sate of equilibrium and all of these all have different and opposite meaning so the meaning for equilibrium is when everything is normal and is something that usually happens in the movie or story. Dis-equilibrium is when everything changes because of an event that has happened so everything is different and unusual and then the last one is new sate of equilibrium which is wanna everytrhing strarts new and everything is normal and nothing usual is happening so for an example of these three for Shrek would be:
Fimolgrpahy for movies metioned
Movie: Shrek
Year: 2001
Directors: Andrew Dmson ,Vicky Jenson and kashif
Movie: Parnormal Activity
Year: 2011
Directors: Henry joost & Arien schufman
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