We have decided as a group that the choice we will be making unique decisions because we want the character to be unique epically our protagonist who will be known as the victim and killer of our movie. We will try and added contrasting things so it makes it stand out and will keep the audience involved with the movie for example the weapon that stands out and nothing similar to something a horror movie would usually use for example a knife like most horrors use. Making the setting different will be hard but were trying to get a horror setting, like a place where people would fear to go for example most people would fear to go to a grave yard alone or such so we will be starting in average life and day of the characters at school. Then the location will be outside of the school on the streets where the characters will be more expressed and will be understood by the audience much more. The other main thing would be lighting which would show the characters feeling mood or to show if they are good or bad so for example the antagonist who are our bullies will get dark lighting for the start and then the protagonist who known is our victim and killer will get bright lighting to show good but during the movie when he becomes the killer he will get dark light to show he is bad/evil.
Both characters will be unique and have a different style and stand out so the audience will understand what type of character they are and so they can understand the binary opposition to without struggling but not giving too much away. The way the characters would be unique would be depending on the clothing and the props they will be given throughout the movie. The protagonist known as the victim and the good person at the start will be dressed up with glass, smartly dressed and all prepared to work which will represent him to look like a nerd or geek and stereotype what a geek or nerd actually looks like in peoples mind so the audience will get an understanding of what his meant to by and why. The other characters will be the advisories known as the bullies who will be dressed up in fashionable clothing which is really experience showing no fright once so ever to students or teacher. This would show to the audience and get an understanding of them so they might start to think things like “they are the power in the school and play by their own rules in what they do”. These too type of character types wills show the binary opposition which in some cases will be good vs bad but if you look more detailed into the movie it will be something like powerful vs weak. These things would come a across as the binary opposition to the audience and will give them understanding what is happening in the movie and the reason behind it so for example if you look at powerful vs weak in our binary opposition then you’ll get the understanding of the victim who is geeky known to be weak which is another stereotype and the popular kids to be powerful, evil and harsh at times so it would come across to the audience as popular powerful kids vs the geeky weak kid and this will then be simplified down to powerful vs weak.
Both characters will be unique and have a different style and stand out so the audience will understand what type of character they are and so they can understand the binary opposition to without struggling but not giving too much away. The way the characters would be unique would be depending on the clothing and the props they will be given throughout the movie. The protagonist known as the victim and the good person at the start will be dressed up with glass, smartly dressed and all prepared to work which will represent him to look like a nerd or geek and stereotype what a geek or nerd actually looks like in peoples mind so the audience will get an understanding of what his meant to by and why. The other characters will be the advisories known as the bullies who will be dressed up in fashionable clothing which is really experience showing no fright once so ever to students or teacher. This would show to the audience and get an understanding of them so they might start to think things like “they are the power in the school and play by their own rules in what they do”. These too type of character types wills show the binary opposition which in some cases will be good vs bad but if you look more detailed into the movie it will be something like powerful vs weak. These things would come a across as the binary opposition to the audience and will give them understanding what is happening in the movie and the reason behind it so for example if you look at powerful vs weak in our binary opposition then you’ll get the understanding of the victim who is geeky known to be weak which is another stereotype and the popular kids to be powerful, evil and harsh at times so it would come across to the audience as popular powerful kids vs the geeky weak kid and this will then be simplified down to powerful vs weak.
Name: Scream
Director: Wes Craven
Realse date: 1996
Props Example

Location examples

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